Hiding row or column or both in a datagrid

3 08 2009

Sometimes, you come across a situation wherein you need to hide a particular row or column or both of a datagrid. Now we have three cases in hand.

  • Hiding a column
  • Hiding a row
  • Hiding row and column

Let us see each of them in detail.
1) Hiding a column: This is the most easiest one of them. You can just give, DataGridColumn’s visibility to false and there you go. The mentioned column is no longer visible.

2) Hiding a row: Now comes the twisted part. You cannot mention like, DataGridRow’s visibility as it is not available neither you cannot mention a particular row index or something similar. Here you will have to use the ‘ListCollectionView‘ class and the filter funtion available in it. While creating the ‘ListCollectionView‘ class, the underlying dataprovider that is used for datagrid must be used. Then apply the filter function to it, which filters out the data according to the conditions. Now, use the ‘refresh()‘ to refresh the ListCollection. Finally, use this ‘ListCollectionView’ class as the dataprovider for your datagrid.

3) Hiding row and column: It is a combination of both the steps mentioned above. But make sure that you have applied the hiding of rows first and then hiding of columns as hiding of columns first and rows second will not work. Try it and you will know why 🙂

Now, combining all these, let us see an example. As you can see while running this example, you can either hide a column or a row or a combination of both, according to particular conditions.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout="absolute"
        	import mx.controls.Alert;
        	import mx.rpc.events.FaultEvent;
        	import mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridColumn;

        	import mx.utils.ObjectUtil;
            import mx.collections.Sort;
            import mx.collections.ListCollectionView;
            import mx.collections.IViewCursor;
            import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
            import mx.rpc.events.ResultEvent;

            private var itemsRating:ListCollectionView;
            private var itemHonda:ListCollectionView;
            private var itemHondaBMW:ListCollectionView;

            private var itemVehicles:ArrayCollection;

            * establishing connection between the xml and application
            * the httpservice is invoked using send method

            private function initApp():void

            * to handle the result event of the http service call

            private function resultHandler(event:ResultEvent):void
            	itemVehicles = itemConn.lastResult.items.item as ArrayCollection;

            * to handle the fault event of the http service call
            * here, when the xml is not present

            private function faultHandler(event:FaultEvent):void
            	Alert.show("Values not retrieved","Error");

            * when rating only is selected, row

            private function handleRating():void
                itemsRating = new ListCollectionView(itemVehicles);
                itemsRating.filterFunction = calcRating;
                itemDG.dataProvider = itemsRating;

            * filtering out the values for rating less than eight

            private function calcRating(value:Object):Boolean
            	return Number(value.Rating) < 8;

            * to display honda vehicles only, row

            private function hondaOnly():void
            	itemHonda = new ListCollectionView(itemVehicles);
            	itemHonda.filterFunction = calcHonda;
            	itemDG.dataProvider = itemHonda;

            * filtering out the values based on honda

            private function calcHonda(value:Object):Boolean
            	return String(value.Name).toUpperCase() == "HONDA";

            * for honda n bmw suv vehicles, row

            private function hondaBMW():void
            	itemHondaBMW = new ListCollectionView(itemVehicles);
            	itemHondaBMW.filterFunction = calcHondaBMW;
            	itemDG.dataProvider = itemHondaBMW;

            * filtering out honda n bmw suv vehicles

            private function calcHondaBMW(value:Object):Boolean
            	return (String(value.Name).toUpperCase() == "HONDA"||String(value.Name).toUpperCase() == "BMW")&&(String(value.Segment).toUpperCase() == "SUV/CROSSOVER");

            * hiding the name column

            private function nameHide():void
            	//if this is commented, then earlier hidden columns will still be hidden
            	itemDG.dataProvider = itemVehicles;

            	var totColumns:Array = itemDG.columns;
            	var dgc:DataGridColumn;

            	//tracing out the datagrid column having the title name
            	for (var i:int = 0; i < totColumns.length; i++)
            		if(totColumns[i].dataField.toUpperCase() == "NAME")
            			dgc = totColumns[i];
            	dgc.visible = false;

            * hiding the segment column

            private function segmentHide():void
            	//if this is commented, then earlier hidden columns will still be hidden
            	itemDG.dataProvider = itemVehicles;

            	var totColumns:Array = itemDG.columns;
            	var dgc:DataGridColumn;

            	//tracing out the datagrid column having the title segment
            	for (var i:int = 0; i < totColumns.length; i++)
            		if(totColumns[i].dataField.toUpperCase() == "SEGMENT")
            			dgc = totColumns[i];
            	dgc.visible = false;

            * hiding the rating n price columns

            private function ratePriceHide():void
            	//if this is commented, then earlier hidden columns will still be hidden
            	itemDG.dataProvider = itemVehicles;

            	var totColumns:Array = itemDG.columns;
            	var dgc:DataGridColumn;

            	//tracing out the datagrid column having the title price or rating
            	for (var i:int = 0; i < totColumns.length; i++)
            		if(totColumns[i].dataField.toUpperCase() == "PRICE" || totColumns[i].dataField.toUpperCase() == "RATING")
            			dgc = totColumns[i];
            			dgc.visible = false;

            * showing the name n price column of passenger row

            private function NPP():void
            	//if this is commented, then earlier hidden columns will still be hidden
            	itemDG.dataProvider = itemVehicles;

            	//refresh the dataprovider of datagrid to reflect only the rows of passenger segment
            	itemHonda = new ListCollectionView(itemVehicles);
            	itemHonda.filterFunction = function(value:Object):Boolean{return String(value.Segment).toUpperCase() == "PASSENGER";};
            	itemDG.dataProvider = itemHonda;

            	//hide the model n rating columns
            	var totColumns:Array = itemDG.columns;
            	var dgc:DataGridColumn;
            	for (var i:int = 0; i < totColumns.length; i++)
            		if(totColumns[i].dataField.toUpperCase() == "MODEL" || totColumns[i].dataField.toUpperCase() == "RATING")
            			dgc = totColumns[i];
            			dgc.visible = false;


     <mx:HTTPService id="itemConn" url="items.xml" useProxy="false"

    <mx:Panel layout="absolute" left="5" top="5" right="5" bottom="5" title="Show / Hide rows & columns">

		<mx:DataGrid id="itemDG" dataProvider="{itemVehicles}" editable="false" width="100%" height="100%"/>

			<mx:HBox horizontalGap="100">
					<mx:Label text="Hide / Show rows"/>
					<mx:LinkButton label="All rows" click="{itemDG.dataProvider = itemVehicles}"/>
            		<mx:LinkButton label="Rating < 8" click="handleRating()"/>
            		<mx:LinkButton label="Honda only" click="hondaOnly()"/>
            		<mx:LinkButton label="Honda & BMW SUV only" click="hondaBMW()"/>
					<mx:Label text="Hide / Show columns"/>
					<mx:LinkButton label="All columns" click="{itemDG.dataProvider = itemVehicles}"/>
            		<mx:LinkButton label="Hide Name" click="nameHide()"/>
            		<mx:LinkButton label="Hide Segment" click="segmentHide()"/>
            		<mx:LinkButton label="Hide Price & Rating" click="ratePriceHide()"/>
					<mx:Label text="Hide / Show Both"/>
					<mx:LinkButton label="All rows & columns" click="{itemDG.dataProvider = itemVehicles}"/>
            		<mx:LinkButton label="Show only Name, Price of Passenger segment" click="NPP()"/>


And here is the items.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
	<item Name="Ford" Segment="Passenger" Model="Fusion" Price="24,500" Rating="9.4"/>
	<item Name="Ford" Segment="Passenger" Model="Taurus X" Price="31,000" Rating="7.5"/>
	<item Name="Ford" Segment="Sports" Model="Mustang" Price="28,000" Rating="9.2"/>
	<item Name="Ford" Segment="Sports" Model="Shelby GT500" Price="50,000" Rating="9.3"/>
	<item Name="Ford" Segment="SUV/Crossover" Model="Escape" Price="24,000" Rating="8.5"/>
	<item Name="Ford" Segment="SUV/Crossover" Model="Expedition" Price="40,500" Rating="7.5"/>
	<item Name="Ford" Segment="Pick UpTruck" Model="Explorer Sport" Price="31,500" Rating="6.9"/>
	<item Name="Ford" Segment="Pick Up Truck" Model="F-450 Super duty" Price="47,500" Rating="8.2"/>

	<item Name="Honda" Segment="Passenger" Model="Civic" Price="16,000" Rating="9.0"/>
	<item Name="Honda" Segment="Passenger" Model="Civic hybrid" Price="24,500" Rating="8.2"/>
	<item Name="Honda" Segment="Sports" Model="S2000" Price="36,500" Rating="9.0"/>
	<item Name="Honda" Segment="SUV/Crossover" Model="CR-V" Price="25,000" Rating="8.9"/>
	<item Name="Honda" Segment="SUV/Crossover" Model="Pilot" Price="33,000" Rating="9.4"/>
	<item Name="Honda" Segment="Pick UpTruck" Model="Ridgeline" Price="32,000" Rating="8.0"/>

	<item Name="Audi" Segment="Passenger" Model="TT" Price="40,000" Rating="8.5"/>
	<item Name="Audi" Segment="Passenger" Model="S4 Avant" Price="50,000" Rating="9.5"/>
	<item Name="Audi" Segment="Luxury" Model="A8" Price="85,000" Rating="9.0"/>
	<item Name="Audi" Segment="Luxury" Model="S8" Price="96,000" Rating="9"/>
	<item Name="Audi" Segment="Sports" Model="TT" Price="40,000" Rating="8.5"/>
	<item Name="Audi" Segment="Sports" Model="R8" Price="118,000" Rating="9.2"/>
	<item Name="Audi" Segment="SUV/Crossover" Model="Q5" Price="37,000" Rating="9.0"/>
	<item Name="Audi" Segment="SUV/Crossover" Model="Q7" Price="52,000" Rating="8.0"/>

	<item Name="BMW" Segment="Passenger" Model="1 series" Price="35,000" Rating="6.8"/>
	<item Name="BMW" Segment="Passenger" Model="7 series" Price="82,000" Rating="8.9"/>
	<item Name="BMW" Segment="Luxury" Model="M3" Price="60,000" Rating="9.0"/>
	<item Name="BMW" Segment="Luxury" Model="M6" Price="105,500" Rating="8.5"/>
	<item Name="BMW" Segment="Sports" Model="Z4" Price="47,500" Rating="10"/>
	<item Name="BMW" Segment="Sports" Model="M6" Price="105,500" Rating="8.5"/>
	<item Name="BMW" Segment="SUV/Crossover" Model="X5" Price="52,500" Rating="9.9"/>
	<item Name="BMW" Segment="SUV/Crossover" Model="X6" Price="60,500" Rating="9.3"/>




3 responses

1 10 2009

Interesting, how about items.xml ?

16 10 2009
invisible star

Thank you Andre for pointing that out. Post is updated with items.xml

26 05 2010

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